The new CDR BeerLab® Junior has arrived.
Unlike the previous version, CDR BeerLab® Junior enables the measurement of Bitterness (IBU), Vicinal Diketones (VDKs), Yeast Vitality and water analysis too. The new CDR BeerLab junior enables also IBU and VDKs measurement and water analysis
Currently available analyses:
- Fermentable Sugars
- Bitterness (IBU) [new]
- Colour
- Lactic Acid D+L
- Alcohol by volume (ABV)
- pH wort
- Starch
- Free Ammino Nitrogen by OPA (FAN)
- Total SO2
- Vicinal Diketones (VDKs) [new]
- Yeast Vitality [new]
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Bicarbonates
- Chlorides
- Potassium
- Sulfates
- Zinc
CDR BeerLab® Junior can be configured with the most suitable panel of analyses best suited to your requirements. This enables you to carry out main analyses for brewing process control with a small investment.
Instruments can be added to enrich your analysis panel at a later stage. For example, you can start with a basic configuration for the analysis of:
- Bitterness (IBU)
- Alcohol by volume (ABV)
- Fermentable Sugars
The configured panel can be successively extended, with the addition of water and diacetyl analysis.
Therefore the new configuration would include:
- Bitterness (IBU)
- Alcohol by volume (ABV)
- Fermentable Sugars
- Calcium in water
- Magnesium in water
- Bicarbonates in water
- Chlorides in water
- Potassium in water
- Sulfates in water
- Zinc in water